COVID 19 Procedures
These procedures are based on the Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s “Suggestions for a Safe and Successful Agritourism Season in 2020” issued on September 1.
These procedures are based on the Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s “Suggestions for a Safe and Successful Agritourism Season in 2020” issued on September 1.
- Masks will be required while waiting in line, while riding the hayride and whenever social distancing of at least 6 feet between families/groups is not possible.
- Social distancing of at least 6 feet between families/groups will be strongly encouraged throughout the farm.
- Three hand washing sinks have been installed, including a new one near the animal pens. In addition, numerous hand sanitizing stations have been placed throughout the guest areas.
- High contact surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected on a regular basis.
- Additional spacing has been provided between product displays and attractions to promote social distancing.
- The sales counter and snack shack have been reconfigured to promote social distancing while purchasing pumpkins, tickets and food.
- For the paid admission area, wrist bands will now be used instead of hand stamps for entry and a new entry/exit point has been added to promote social distancing on busy days.
- For the hayride, capacity will be reduced by 50%, loading will be from front to back and masks will be required.
- At least one member of each family/group should record their name and phone number in a logbook or cell phone app during each visit to the farm.
- Full capacity has been calculated for our guest areas using government guidelines. Crowd size will be monitored to make sure areas remain below 50% capacity. If the farm nears 50% capacity, steps will be taken to temporarily limit access for new guests to enter the farm. These steps may include: 1) placing announcements on our social media pages and website, 2) notifying guests in our parking area and advising them to wait in their cars until other guests leave or to come back at a later time.
These procedures are subject to change.